Pick No. 1
The Miracle Ball Method for Pregnancy
by Elaine Petrone
At first blush, it's hard to imagine two simple squishy balls and a wee little square book could be the stuff of miracles. But Elaine Petrone (a former dancer who had a career ending injury) has designed an "un-exercise" method to relax muscles, breathe properly, and decrease anxiety and fatigue.
The Miracle Ball Method for Pregnancy in particular is designed to help women deal with aches, pains, and physical changes in pregnancy.
There is no bun in this oven, but I was anxious to give the method a whirl, and guess what? When I used the program for specific problem areas (I carry tension in my shoulders, neck, and upper back) I began to see its strengths. Suddenly I became aware of my breathing and how I needed to let go and give into gravity, allowing myself to sink into the balls. I definitely felt the difference between my relaxed and tensed muscles.
In fact, the first night I used the program before I went to sleep, I stayed asleep the entire night and woke up without aches and pains (a seldom occurrence!).
Sore feet?
Consider giving this miracle a chance to work its magic.
Pick No. 2:
What's Eating Your Child
by Kelly Dorfman
We all understand that there are connections
between nurtrition and childhood ailments,
but here is a book that will help parents
sort through the science and reveal simple
practical ways to find treatment.
Some of the health problems
nutritionist Kelly Dorfman addresses:
picky eating
attention problems
ear infections
temper tantrums
behavioral difficulties
lack of energy
learning disabilities
chronic tummy aches
night terrors
speech delays
Recalibrating your child's diet may be just
what they need to get back to a natural
state of well-being.